A Photo Recap

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Photography by Matt The List

A photo recap from FUTURE MALBEC, our third FRESH BLOOD event held in London late last year, featuring the young dynamic growers who are leading the renaissance of Malbec's true native home.

This experience was a revision of great depth.

From its first recorded swillings of the notorious 'black wine of Cahors', London shares an 800 year old history with this bucolic inland region in the southwest of France. Despite its unfortunate grape growing history, Cahors is one of the oldest wine regions in France, with Roman cultivation dating back to 50BC. 

Along with a few choice local offerings smuggled across by the winemakers themselves, we enjoyed a selection of innovative and experimental, natural, organic and biodynamic wines, made by:
Fabien Jouves // MAS DEL PÉRIÉ
Jérémie Illouz // PARLANGE ET ILLOUZ
Germain Croisille // CHATEAU LES CROISILLE
SIMON BUSSER // presented by Gergovie Wines
DOMAINE LA CALMETTE // presented by Modal Wines

Huge thanks to Ed, Sam and the team at Leroy for hosting us.

Shouts also to Mel from The Adelaidian, 'Shparkling' Max and Chris from Bone Dry By Design—we couldn't have done it without you.